Vanessa and Morgan on Attracting, Recognizing and Honoring Your True Life-Partner

Posts tagged ‘doing laundry’

Laundry Math

Just a simple reminder how differently men and women think… and how important it is to communicate in a healthy relationship!  My husband did the laundry yesterday.  But, somehow, I’m still doing laundry today.  How is that?  I asked him, “How come you didn’t do the light-colored clothes?”  His answer, “I did TWO loads of laundry.”

Male definition “laundry:” put something in the washer, dry it, maybe fold it and put it away.

Female definition “laundry:” search the house for all dirty clothes, make piles, proceed through all piles, wash, dry, fold and put away.

The thing is… we still have to thank them for “doing the laundry,” even when, in our minds, they didn’t FINISH doing the laundry.  The trick here, and one of the most deeply spiritual tools we teach… is gratitude!

Thank him.  Thank the universe for bringing you a man who does laundry.  Thank the sun for shining and the roof over your head.  Be grateful.  Life and love will flow more smoothly.  And, next time, he might do even more of the laundry!